Great PLR Clubhouse Review (Eric Holmlund)

Great PLR Clubhouse Review 
Grab This PLR Package With Only $5


Great PLR Clubhouse Package offers you an incredible shortcut to tap into this hot niche today. Shortcuts can be a great thing. Wouldn’t you agree? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a shortcut is simply “a quicker or easier way to do something”. That having been said, sometimes the search for a shortcut can become problematic. I’ve had the privilege of teaching and helping thousands of entrepreneurs build online businesses, and one problem I’ve seen over and over again is “newbies” looking for a shortcut. Too often in their quest for a shortcut, they get sidetracked to the point of never getting their business off the ground. In those instances, the search for an elusive “magic bullet” can be very detrimental. Yet shortcuts DO exist. I started my online business in 1999, and back then I didn’t find any reliable teachers, nor did I find any shortcuts. I learned by trial-and-error over the course of many years. I went on to eventually make millions of dollars online, but as you can imagine; I sure wish I knew at the BEGINNING what I knew a few years later, or better yet… what I know now after DECADES of Internet marketing. Over the years I have developed systems, found easier ways of running my business, and indeed discovered real SHORTCUTS. On this very page that you’re reading right now, I have a two-part shortcut for you. These are things that I have personally used to generate profits year after year, continuing to this day. Here is the two-part shortcut… 1) Sell what people want to buy.. 2) Leverage existing material such as Private Label Rights (PLR) products, to save time and break into niches more quickly.

Part ONE of our shortcut is an obvious, yet seldom-followed business principal that virtually guarantees that your product will sell. I’m telling you this is the key to EASY sales. Again, here it is: Sell what people want to buy. I know it sounds overly simplistic, but it’s absolutely true. I’ve seen a ton of people pursue passions that just are NOT financially profitable. So if you want to pursue your passion as a business, by all means go for it if THAT’s your priority. BUT if your priority is making money and making EASY sales, then my recommendation is to follow this shortcut: sell something that people want to buy. When it comes to selling ANYTHING online, it all starts with the niche. Perhaps that’s more true than ever when marketing digital products. In other words, if you want to sell “information products” such as ebooks or videos, the niche is absolutely vital. Similar to what I said about some people choosing to pursue their “passion”, some people choose a niche based on their own personal interests. Sometimes that works out well, but very often it does NOT. Some niches just aren’t very profitable. To put it mildly, its usually hard work. That’s why many (perhaps most) newbies end up choosing poor niches which essentially derail their online businesses before they’re even launched. So, in addition to giving you the above “tips” for choosing a niche, I’m also going to GIVE you a hot niche right on this page. It’s a niche that absolutely does meet the requirements that I’ve listed above. I’ve personally researched it, and found it to be in-demand and profitable RIGHT NOW. Are you ready?

Today I have a very hot and profitable niche for you, and that niche is… Clubhouse. Chances are good that you’ve heard of Clubhouse, because for the past year it’s been one of the hottest social media platforms, and one of the things that makes it unique is that it has been especially embraced as a platform for business networking and marketing. It’s an app where users communicate in voice chat rooms, and it has enabled people to make valuable connections, build targeted audiences, and make money in many different ways. In fact, we’ve identified at least 18 different ways to make money on Clubhouse! Because it’s been such a fast growing and hot platform, business owners around the world have been scrambling to figure out how to get involved and start using Clubhouse for their own business. Again in case you’ve been out of the loop on this, here are a few news articles to illustrate just how hot this platform has been lately. They gained over 10 MILLION users in just a few months!

niche proof


All types of businesses have been getting involved. This article talks about how real estate brokers have been flocking to Clubhouse. This agent says she already gained over 2000 new Instagram followers as a result of Clubhouse. Celebrities like Drake, Oprah, and countless others have been getting involved on Clubhouse. We also have major players like the NHL jumping into Clubhouse. It’s become a premier place for business networking, as shown by Entrepreneur magazine. People are doing any and everything on Clubhouse. They’re pitching businesses, they’re dating, there are even stand-up comedy rooms on the platform. It’s growing at a rapid pace in countries around the world, proving to be a valuable communications platform in developing nations like Nigeria. Clubhouse is paying a minimum of 5 thousand dollars a month to those accepted into its Creator First program, including those in India and Brazil. As you would probably expect, marketers have been quick to jump into this hot new app, as explained in Promo Marketing magazine. And in case you think Clubhouse is just another social platform for kids, it was recently recommended by the AARP, which has 38 million members, most of whom are over the age of 50. I could go on and on with examples of how hot Clubhouse is right now, but I think you get the point. There is a massive audience that is currently looking for information about clubhouse, and looking for information about how to profit from Clubhouse.

As you’ve seen, it’s a very hot niche. So now I’m going to show you our shortcut to jump into this niche in the shortest time possible so you can start making sales right away. We already established in PART 1 of our shortcut that you need to sell something that people want to buy. That’s basically a prerequisite. In other words, you have to choose a profitable niche, or else it won’t really matter what you do next. The problem is… without PART 2 of our shortcut, it could take you a lot of time, money, and effort to break into this niche. Again, as someone who has been doing digital marketing for over two decades, I can tell you that it’s a lot of work to launch into a new niche. Part TWO of our shortcut is to leverage existing material such as Private Label Rights (PLR) products, to save time and break into niches more quickly.



MODULE #1 Professionally Written Ebook

  • Word Source Document included
  • High quality writing and design
  • Professionally researched and written

You’re getting a newly written ebook, with the Word source document so you can put your own name on it and edit it in any way. This is a high quality, professionally written book that will educate your customers and make you look like a hero in their eyes. You can sell it for any price you want, and keep all your revenue. This is a high quality ebook that was thoroughly researched and written with your customers in mind. Instead of taking weeks to write a book yourself, or hiring a ghostwriter for a hefty fee, you can shortcut directly to the money-making part of this business.

MODULE #2 Ready-Made Sales Page and Download Page

To make it easy to sell the ebook, we’re including a ready-made sales page. Essentially, you just have to put your name on it, hook up your own payment link, upload everything, and you’re in business. Talk about a huge shortcut! Typically it would take days to craft a sales page and write all the sales copy, or you could pay a copywriter hundreds or even thousands of dollars to write it for you.

  • HTML File included
  • Graphics included
  • High quality copywriting and design

We’re also including a download page, so you will be all ready to deliver the product to your customers on autopilot. You can customize these pages any way you want. Again… a huge shortcut!

MODULE #3 Professional Graphics

Next, we’re including graphics, which includes the 3D ecover, a flat cover, the header graphic and bundle images. You’ll also receive the PSD source files, so you can customize the covers however you want.

  • PSD Source Files Included

Instead of paying hundreds of dollars to a graphic designer, you’re receiving these ready-made graphics, and you can customize them any way you want. Another huge shortcut!

MODULE #4 Lead Magnet (Report)

So you’ve got a product that you can sell (huge shortcut). You’ve also got the materials to help you sell it (more huge shortcuts). We ALSO want to help you attract customers, build a list, and get prospects into your funnel. That’s why we’re including a ready-made lead magnet specifically for this niche!

  • Giveaway Rights!
  • Word Source Document included
  • Professionally researched and written
  • Cover graphics included (3D and flat cover)
  • PSD Source Files Included

The lead magnet is a new original report, and just like the main product, we’re including the Word source document, and private label rights with this. That means you can easily edit it, put your name on it, and make it your own.

MODULE #5 Ready-Made Squeeze Page and Thank-You Page

To go along with the lead magnet, we’re including a ready-made squeeze page, and download page too. Just paste in your own opt-in code, and you’ll be ready to start attracting targeted traffic and building a prospect list in this great niche

  • HTML Files included
  • Graphics included
  • PSD Source Files Included

Once again you can edit these any way you want, to customize and make them your own.

MODULE #6 Promotional Email Series

Okay, so you’re getting a lead magnet to attract targeted prospects. You’re getting a squeeze page to get them onto your subscriber list. Now we’re taking it to the next level by helping you turn those subscribers into customers!

How are we doing that? By including a series of 5 promotional emails that are designed to sell the product.

You can load these emails into any autoresponder, so when prospects grab the free report and join your list, you’ll automatically be building a relationship, gaining their trust, and marketing your product to them.

  • Text Files included
  • Use for broadcasts to your lists
  • Use for solo ads
  • Use them as affiliate tools
  • Put them in any autoresponder

Once again you can edit these any way you want, to customize and make them your own. With these emails in your arsenal, you can turn your autoresponder into a selling machine!



Paul Counts: “This is some of the best quality private label rights material that I’ve ever seen. You need to jump on PLR like this, it does not come around often!”

Francis Ochoco: “These books are written in a way that makes it easy for anyone to understand and follow.”

Edmund Loh: “As someone who both buys and sells Private Label Content, there’s been a lot of garbage content that tries to pass as quality in the marketplace nowadays… even I got jaded by it! That’s why seeing this is a refreshing sight, and I trust virtually anything from Eric Holmlund all these years as he is synonymous with quality.”

Deeva Massey: “I love this amazing new PLR product from Eric and Ryan! Once again they delivered a unique, very high quality product that comes with great and easy to understand tutorials. I was able to quickly and easily customize it saving me hours of time and work! If you are looking for extremely high quality, great value and an easy to customize PLR product, I highly recommend this one and any of Eric and Ryan’s other PLR products as well. It was a game changer for me.”‘

Prem Kumar: “Eric and Ryan have over-delivered again! This PLR is hands down one of the best in its niche and I’m very confident that it will be pretty hard for anyone to find a PLR product that has so much quality and value anywhere else. I have personally used many of their products over the years and they never failed to impress. They put so much effort and information into this PLR with a genuine intention to help anyone who wants to reach their end goal faster. I am absolutely delighted with this new launch.”


Using PLR is a massive shortcut in the product creation process. You may have noticed that most of the successful long-term online business owners have their own products. If you want to make money long term on the internet, you should have your own products too.

It’s a pain to create your own products, because it takes a lot of time and/or money. But PLR is a shortcut for that. It allows you to have your own product without having to create one or pay for one to be built from scratch.

You can take this product we’re offering you today, give it a new name, and immediately sell it as a unique product in this hot niche. (Plus you’re getting a lead magnet you can give away and some great bonus products too!)



  • You can sell the product and keep 100% of the profits. That right there is probably the biggest opportunity that we’re handing to you today.
  • You can put your name on the product as the author. It’s like hiring a ghostwriter to write a book for you, but in this case you don’t have to hire a ghostwriter and pay for it. All the work is already done.
  • You can put your links in the product. Maybe you’re an affiliate marketer, or maybe you already have some other products of your own. You can further monetize this product by putting your affiliate links in it, or links to your other products.
  • You can edit the product and turn it into something new. We’re including the source files, so this is like having raw materials in your hand. You could take part of the product and combine it with another. You could swipe from the product to add content to your own existing product, or to a product that you’re currently developing.
  • You can add the product to a membership site, which is a great way to monetize it because you could charge a monthly fee and build up a residual passive income. And if you already have a membership site, this is pretty much a no-brainer. This is content to increase the value of your membership.
  • You can create your own product bundles, or bundle it with your existing products.
  • You can add this to your existing products. It’s a great way to add value to what you’re already doing.
  • You can use it as an upsell or a One Time Offer. If you have anything else that you’re already selling, you can add this to your sales funnel as an upsell to pump up your profits and earn more revenue per customer.
  • You can actually publish and sell it offline, or in other formats. If that’s something you wanted to do, you could make a printed workbook, or a course in a binder, or you can sell it on a CD or DVD.
  • You can translate and sell it in other languages. This is such a huge opportunity right now, because there are so many global markets that really aren’t tapped into yet. How many languages can you think of? You can take that number, and MULTIPLY your opportunity by that number.

And that’s not even a comprehensive list. The sky’s the limit. You basically just can’t give away the main product for free or pass these rights on to your customers. Only those who grab the rights from us during this special sale will have these Private Label Rights.


We’re backing up this special offer with a 100% money back guarantee. We know you’re going to be very happy when you see the quality of the materials in this package. We also know that we’re providing you with a professionally researched information product, and it is a great product that you can resell in a hot niche. If you’re not satisfied with this PLR package, just let our helpdesk staff know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

With the money-back guarantee, we’ve taken away ALL the risk. You can check it out for up to 30 days and see what you think. So don’t miss out on it. The PLR License is non-transferable, so only those who grab this package from us during this offer will have the Private Label Rights. It’s a one-time payment, with no monthly fees. You won’t have to pay us any royalties. You can keep ALL the money you make. And that’s it. After ordering, you’ll be able to download the PLR Package and bonuses right away. If you need assistance, please open a ticket at

Conclusion & My Bonuses For You

By investing in your own business, you can create an income stream that generates the money to do those other things you want to do– things like entertainment and dining out. Why not invest in your FUTURE so you can enjoy those things without worrying about the money? This niche is HOT, so please don’t miss the opportunity! You can download these materials, add your payment links, upload it, and you’re in business! Please click the order button to grab it now.

REMEMBER! If you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions)

You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 2 steps below:

♦ Step 1: Order the product by clicking the button below


♦ Step 2: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt to me at so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.









The post Great PLR Clubhouse Review (Eric Holmlund) appeared first on TONY-REVIEW.

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