Local Review Raider Review – Local Review Raider OTO Coaching Program (Luther Landro)

Local Review Raider Review
$1000/hour for THIS?



Local Review Raider is a home business coaching program that provides everything you need to earn $1,000 checks helping local business owners unlock their filtered Yelp reviews. Everything is provided for you in a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers fashion, with most of the work already done for you.

Local review raider was originally created to help grow my own business. I call it the McDonalds strategy… Mcdonald’s has built a system out of their restaurant business that works so well that anyone can open a profitable McDonald’s franchise and have the whole thing run by 15-year-olds on minimum wage.

I did the same thing for running a consulting business… Created a series of checklists that I could give to virtual assistants to run this business for me. After all, that’s how you grow a business… creating a system around what works and hiring other people to implement that system.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to unlock the hidden 5-star reviews on Yelp, boosting any account by 2 stars or more
  • Copy-paste emails to send to business owners that use a non-sales approach and are completely rejection-proof
  • 10-minute casual conversation persuasion technique – Use this simple conversation script anytime you interact with a business in your daily life to book them as clients.
  • Not 1 but 3 sources of inbound clients. These lead magnets will fill your inbox with local business owners pre-sold and ready to pay you $1,000 or more to unlock their Yelp reviews.
  • How to run this business from home in just 30 minutes a day with $0 out-of-pocket expense
  • When you should (and shouldn’t) quit your day job. Know with confidence when it’s time to go full-time before you make any big life decisions.
  • How to grow your personal referral system to increase your client base organically.



Local Review Raider is an entirely different approach to consulting… Offering the ONLY solution to a problem that thousands of local businesses are searching for. Most folks who try to start a business from home make 2 critical mistakes that hold them back from success:

Mistake 1: Trying to sell what everyone else is selling.

Every time I open my email, I see make-money Gurus pitching the latest Amazon business, MLM opportunity, or affiliate marketing program. And the truth is, some of them work!. You’re just going to have to spend a ton of money and work really hard in order to compete with the thousands of other people doing the same thing for small wins.

It’s the same with local consulting… Sure, you can land clients selling the same SEO and social media marketing that everyone else is selling. You can be the 100th cold-call a business owner receives pitching the same thing, and maybe your sales pitch is better than all the others.

With a blistering amount of hard work and dealing with the constant rejection of ‘the numbers game,’ you’d manage to squeak out a few clients.

However, why go through all that work when you can simply offer something that NO ONE ELSE has? Something that business owners actually NEED and are actively looking for online?

Mistake 2: Using ‘hard sales tactics’ to land local clients.

Listen: When you have the only solution to a problem, you don’t need a high-pressure sales pitch to get people to pay for it. In fact, a normal sales pitch only hurts your chances of getting paid. Think about: Biz owners hear so many ‘sales pitches’ per day that they have an instant ‘NO’ reaction as soon they smell one. Here’s your problem… here’s the solution… Here’s how to get me to do it for you. That’s it!. Consulting is like being a ‘doctor’ for local business owners rather than a salesman. You prescribe solutions to problems rather than pitch products and services.


Local review raider books you clients in 3 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Connect

Send out pre-written emails to businesses that have locked reviews. These businesses are easy to find on Yelp, just look for anyone with a rating under 3.5 stars and check the ‘not recommended tab’ to see if they have at least 5 locked reviews. The copy/paste email templates do all the work selling for you.

  • Step 2: Repair

Follow the included ‘yelp review repair’ checklist to unlock the frozen yelp reviews and repair their yelp rating to what your client deserves.

This is the exact same checklist that I follow with every client. You can do it yourself in about an hour or pay a virtual assistant to do the work for you for a fraction of the fees you collect.

  • Step 3: Profit.

On top of the $1,000 fee you can earn for unlocking Yelp reviews, you can offer the clients a whole list of services offered by referral agencies. These agencies will do all the work upselling your clients and paying you a residual commission for the life of the client. I shoot to earn about $5,000/month per client when I do the work myself or $2,500/month per client when I let agencies and outsourcers handle all the work for me.

  • Optional Step 4: REPEAT!

Repeat this process as many times as you like to build the recurring income you desire. YOU are in control of your earnings with Local Review Raider.


Most consultants approach businesses with the same offer as everyone else. Local Review Raider is different… You will be the only one offering a unique solution to the businesses that need it.

Here’s how it works:


Perhaps the best part is just how easy Local Review Raider is for beginners… You can be up and running with your first client in a few days. Filling your inbox with businesses that need this solution and getting paid to help them.


Having a passive 6-figure income source makes life easier in the little ways:

  • Fire your boss – Have enough money that you can walk away from any situation. You are a slave to no one and can adopt a ‘take no crap’ philosophy.
  • ZERO debt, tremendous savings, and 800 credit score – My debts are entirely paid off, and all my bills are paid ahead of time. This has boosted my credit and made everything cheaper. Think about it: With good credit comes lower mortgage rates, credit card rates, and bonus perks only offered to those with good credit.
  • Bills are paid ahead of time – I have enough saved to pay my bills for the next 3 years. Every month I receive a statement saying I owe $0 because the bills have been pre-paid. The stress I used to feel is just gone…
  • An emergency fund for anything that comes your way – Life happens. Maybe the most important thing this program has given me is the peace of mind of a nest egg for my family that can be used to solve any problem that comes our way.
  • Work on my own time – Some days, I sleep late. Some nights I go to bed early. Some days I just play with my kids. I plan my work around my life and not my life around my work.
  • Work from anywhere – My family and I moved to a quiet little community that has been a blessing for us. We spend summers away in different parts of the world. All the while, I can run my business from my laptop. This has been a fantastic experience for myself and my children.


Imagine: You spend 20 minutes finding businesses in your market with hidden Yelp reviews (easy since this is practically every business in the country). You send them a copy/paste email with a full walkthrough on how to unlock the reviews, with an offer to do the work for them for a fee.

You get replies back from owners thanking you for walking them through it, with a handful ready and eager to pay you $1,000 to do the work. You collect your fee, then spend an hour on their Yelp account unlocking the reviews… Or maybe taking a portion of that fee and paying a virtual assistant to do the work for you.

Then maybe you go the extra mile and send your happy client to one of the referral agencies in your outsourcer, Rolodex. Some of them sign up, and you start seeing recurring commission checks in your bank account. Each month the recurring commissions keep growing, earning you a bigger and bigger passive income as a result.

Maximum money in Minimum time. You are in full control. Whether you are looking for a side hustle to help with the bills, or if you want to build a multi-million dollar local business lead empire. Local Review Raider will get you there. The best part is just how passive this income source is… You set it and forget it!


Pete Norris from Greensboro, North Carolina, came to me looking for a fast, reliable way to earn a passive income online. During the pandemic, he had lost his job and was quickly piling up credit card debt trying to pay his bills.

His criteria for a money-making opportunity were simple:

  • It had to be guaranteed to work quickly.
  • It had to cost NOTHING to start since he had no money to buy ads or software.
  • It had to produce passive income while looking for a new job.

Pete had tried everything, and I was his last hope.

My goal was to get him from 0 to $10,000 a month as quickly as possible. Since he was desperate with no experience online, I knew there was one service that would help him: Yelp review unlocking.

I had been offering this service to new clients for over a year at that point and had taught some of my high-end coaching students to do the same. They all had the same results I did: this was by far the easiest way to land clients. This was one of the few times business owners came to me instead of me reaching out to them.

The reason was simple: It was the only solution to a major problem that every business faced. I showed him how to find the businesses that needed this. I gave him pre-written emails to send to those businesses. And a checklist to follow that would have him unlocking reviews after about an hour’s work. It took him a week to earn his first check… Then another a few days later.

After a month, he was receiving paychecks every week, and after 3 months, he was earning a passive full-time income from all the referrals he had generated.


Local Review Raider was designed for a desperate students who had no previous experience. He was able to take these materials and build a 6 figure consulting business simply by emailing this offer to local businesses and following a checklist to deliver on the service.

I’ve refined this checklist by giving it to other students in similar situations and adding to it based on their feedback. This coaching program takes you by the hand and walks you through the method in a do this… do this… then this format. No steps or details are left out.


Do you find yourself caught up in the 9-5 rat race?

Imagine: Having a source of income that requires no set schedule.

  • YOU work when you want. 30 minutes a day prospecting new businesses and an hour to unlock their reviews after you get paid.
  • YOU have no limit to your income. You can work on this for as long or as short as you would like. Increase your commissions every month.
  • YOU can outsource all the work. Use inbound lead magnets to book deals, then outsource the work to virtual assistants to follow the checklists and get this done.
  • NO rejection, no boss, no customers. YOU get paid a handsome fee.


Local review Raider gives you everything you need to earn money offering this to local business owners. You’re getting the same emails that Pete used to book his clients and get paid. Just send these emails out to the businesses that need this service, and fill your inbox with clients ready to pay you top dollar for this simple service.

You’re also getting a checklist to do the work and service the client quickly.

You’re also getting my master list of agencies that do the work for you and upsell clients into other services so you don’t have to do any of the work and can earn a passive recurring income from other sources as well. Just follow along and start earning money this week.

And to make sure this is the last income opportunity you ever need, I’m including an on-demand coaching program to cover every detail of running this business.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to unlock the hidden 5-star reviews on Yelp, boosting any account by 2 stars or more
  • Copy-paste emails to send to business owners that use a non-sales approach and are completely rejection-proof
  • 10-minute casual conversation persuasion technique – Use this simple conversation script anytime you interact with a business in your daily life to book them as clients.
  • Not 1 but 3 sources of inbound clients. These lead magnets will fill your inbox with local business owners pre-sold and ready to pay you $1,000 or more to unlock their Yelp reviews.
  • How to run this business from home in just 30 minutes a day with $0 out-of-pocket expense
  • When you should (and shouldn’t) quit your day job. Know with confidence when it’s time to go full-time before you make any big life decisions.
  • How to grow your personal referral system to increase your client base organically.


My zero-hour workday guide provides you with a Rolodex of outsourcers who will do all the work implementing Local Review Raider for you for a small fee. These are the same outsourcers I use to help grow my business while spending less time working.

Hiring people to do the work for you is the real secret to working smarter and not harder… It’s also the secret to scaling any business from 6 to 7 figures a year.


♦ Local Review Raider Front-End (Main product): $17

Local Review Raider is designed as an on-demand coaching program as well as a done-for-you checklist that can earn 6 figures a year in just 30 minutes a day. How much would Local Review Raider be worth to you if it helped you build a $100,000 per year passive income?

The cost will be $497/month, which is a steal considering this program is proven to generate 6-figure paychecks after setting up a few groups. However, before I do that, I want to include a few more testimonials from regular folks that are going out there and earning money with this program. And so you won’t be paying the retail webinar price of $497/month, not even half that. In fact, you won’t be paying a monthly fee at all to access this on-demand coaching.

Act right now, and you are getting unlimited access to the entire Local Review Raider program for a one-time low payment of only $17.

Look at Everything You Are Getting in the Local Review Raider Coaching Program

  • Yelp Client Finder Checklist – $97 Value
  • Unlocking Yelp Review Checklist – $97 Value
  • Yelp Profile Optimization Checklist – $97 Value
  • Review Management Checklist – $97 Value
  • On-Demand Coaching Program – $497/Month Value
  • Review Filter Software Access – $97/Month value
  • Local Agency Rolodex – $49 value
  • Bonus 1: Emergency Cash Booster (first few sales only) – $47 Value
  • Bonus 2: Zero-Hour Workday Automator – $197 Value
  • Bonus 3: Bonus Graphics Pack – $197 Value


Besides, there are other upgraded versions for you to look at:

OTO 1: Local Review Raider Unlimited ($37)
OTO 2: Local Review Raider Unlimited Promo ($37)
OTO 3: Local Review Raider: Copy, Connect, Close Funnel ($197)
OTO 4: Local Review Raider: Copy, Connect, Close Funnel Promo ($197)
OTO 5: Local Review Raider Done-For-You ($297)
OTO 6: Local Review Raider Done-For-You Promo ($297)
OTO 7: Landro Inner Circle Gold Membership – $27 Trial


Q: What is this?

A: Local Review Raider is a home business coaching program that provides everything you need to earn $1,000 checks helping local business owners unlock their filtered Yelp reviews.

Q: Is this something I have never seen before?

A: This method has NEVER been revealed publicly. This is the only place to learn how to unlock hidden Yelp reviews, and earn a fee offering it as a service to local business owners.

Q: Is this really newbie-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Everything is presented in a step-by-step fashion that uses copy/paste materials. No experience is needed. If you can send an email, you can run this business from home.

Q: How exactly does this work?

A: You use pre-written emails to sell local business owners who need to have their hidden Yelp reviews unlocked. After collecting a consulting fee, you follow a step by step checklist to service these businesses.

Q: Does this include a free traffic method?

A: YES! All of the leads generated in this program come from free traffic sources.

Q: How much can I make with this?

A: Legally, we can’t guarantee that you make any money with this as most people won’t put it into action. That said, the commission on each client can range from $500 – $5,000 per month. Depending on how many clients you land, this can earn anything between $50,000 – over $1,000,000 a year in fees.

Q: How long until I start making money using this?

A: Customers have seen their first paycheck in as little as a week. However, how long it takes depends entirely on how fast you are willing to put this into action.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

A: YES! You have a full 60 days to try this out for yourself. If you are not completely 100% satisfied, for any reason at all, just send me a quick email with the word refund, and I’ll send you back every penny. No hassles, no questions.

Q: How do I get instant access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will be granted immediate access to the member’s area, where you can access everything listed, as well as a few more surprise bonuses I have for you.

Q: What is the best way to onboard a new client?

A: All of this is handled for you! The best part about working for agencies is YOU don’t have to deal with clients once they are sold. You hand them off to professionals who will help onboard them over the phone and through webinars for you.

Q: How can someone start an agency part-time while keeping their full-time job?

A: This method only requires about 30 minutes a day to email new businesses, and about an hour’s work unlocking reviews once you land a client. You can work whenever is convient for you… in the morning while you have your coffee or late at night before bed. This business runs around your schedule.

Q: On average, how many hours should you spend on each client?

A: Unlocking Yelp reviews takes about an hour on average, however you can also outsource all of the work and essentially spend zero time servicing the clients that hire you.

Q: How do you scale up your business when bringing on more clients?

A: The included checklists were designed with outsourcers in mind. That means you can hire virtual assistants to do all of the busy work dealing with clients while you grow your business. You’ll also have the ability to

Q: How do I get access to this?

A: After you click the buy button and complete the checkout, you will be granted immediate access to the product delivery page through Warrior Plus. If you have any issues reaching this page, please open a ticket at landroinnercircle.com/support

Conclusion & Extra Bonuses For You

Are you ready to give up the 9-5 grind?. Are you ready to pay off your debts and start building real wealth?. Local Review Raider is the most reliable, stable way to do it. YOU now have everything you need to earn a passive income exploiting this lucrative Yelp loophole. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my Local Review Raider article. I hope I have provided you with enough information about this amazing product. And the final decision is yours. Good luck to you guys and see you in my next article!

You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 2 steps below:

♦ Step 1: Order the product by clicking the button below


♦ Step 2: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt to me at tonyreview99@gmail.com so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.









The post Local Review Raider Review – Local Review Raider OTO Coaching Program (Luther Landro) appeared first on TONY-REVIEW.

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